Social work (good-bye undergraduate classes)

I study social work from four years ago. 

My career is very entertaining and interesting, because it has transversal courses. Some courses are on research methodologies, methodologies of social intervention, sociology, anthropology, history, sustainability and social impact, feminisms, legal regulations, social movements, territory, etc. I have learned a lot about these issues and about the more complex social phenomena such as migration, poverty, inequality, violence, domination, oppression, social exclusion and social inclusion. With my generation, we are the first generation of post-dictatorship social work. We are the first to study social work from a new perspective, this perspective is closer to Latin American and global discussions on public policies, research and intervention.

The workload is high. The careers of our faculty are more relaxed in the fourth or fifth year, in social workload work is high in these years. I have felt very tired this year because I study every day and I am always reading about a social issue.

The good thing about social work is the teachers. They are almost all women. I admire my teachers because they are great in every way. They are researchers, mothers, feminists, teachers, interventionists and thinkers.

They are kind, intelligent and strict. For this reason I have learned a lot in this race. They are a pillar in my learning. With it I have learned to analyze, criticize, abstract information. I also learned to use softwares, to interview, to analyze statistics and understand "what is not said". I'm happy, this month I'll be licensed. I do not care about the title, I care about all that this means: Methodologies that I learned, authors I met, new perspectives in my life.

The faculty is precarious in buildings and infrastructure. I think we could have bigger rooms, better equipped study rooms and rest rooms (these do not exist in Juan Gomez Millas). We are a public university and the most important thing is the knowledge and social relations that we build ... Buildings and infrastructure are important but not essential.

Yesterday I had my last class in undergraduate. I am happy and at the same time nostalgic, because I feel that I am closing something important in my life. Well, I'm a nostalgic person.


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