About astrology and cosmology (or "changalanga" moment)


Today I want to write about astrology and cosmology... Why? Because last friday it was red moon eclipse. So, according to the newspaper ABC, today (31/7) Planet Mars would be at the minimum distance to Earth in 15 years:

"The red planet will then be 57.6 million kilometers from our planet. In addition, this world will be close to the opposition that occurred last Friday, during the Red Moon eclipse, which means that the Sun and this planet will be almost aligned and in opposite positions in relation to the Earth."

When i was a child i did not believe in astrology or cosmology, so i thought that issues were a lie. I would confess when i was a child i only believed in science (more than now). Today i have been listening and reading about astrology and cosmology, horoscope, etc. and I have connected with that issues. That change happened because I started to connected with my energies and join it with energy change of my environment. Even the science admites all bodies have energies (for example, sun gives us heat, light and UV rays)... it could be other planets give energy to us too? With that thought, i don't want to say the horoscope is really real, but there's some readings about the planets that have made sense to me. (That's my "changalanga" moment... hahaha) I  read that astrology helps us to understand what happens in our immediate environment, at a social level. It allows us to be prepared for challenges, to take advantage of opportunities, to grow and improve as people, to understand others.

Life is energy too. I believe even the plants, water, animals and the planets have soul. Thinking about that makes me respect and take better care of our environment, but it's really sad to see how our planet is dying (even when life means death too).

what do you think about all of this?
Finally, i wanted to share a saturn's draw. Saturn is my planet because when i was born, saturn was ruling.

Resultado de imagen para saturno


  1. Honestly, I've never been interested in astrology and cosmology, but I think I can learn a lot of things from you.

  2. I am a very skeptical person regarding these issues but I think it is interesting how these perspectives help people understand certain elements of their lives.

  3. To be honest, I have almost the same idea like you. My vision of astrology and horoscope are very different nowadays. I think that the energy could be a really important factor in some kind of behavior, like, influenced by the planets.

  4. Well, if we think about life, there is a lot of phenomenas that are no explained by modern science or engeniering thinking, so maybe things like this could be a possible explanation. After all, thing like this are the predecessor of morden science.


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