So, Phd?

Last time I've been thinking about knowledge... I'm 23 years old and I've studied 18 years of my life. 

My sister has studied much more than me. She is an anthropologist and PhD in indigenous public policies. Since I was little I have admired her for her effort and ability to learn. Maybe, I will study a PhD too.

I was looking for a PhD at an international and national level. I realized something important: Today I do not want to continue studying something related to social work, but I do with art and creative thinking.

Why? Because although I really like social work and I enjoy learning it, I have always reneged my interest and my link with art. I have been very afraid to devote full time to study visual arts ... Then, a PhD could be a complement between social work and art as a tool of social transformation. This idea moves me when I feel unmotivated.

I found some Phd of my interest ... The first is from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia called "Phd in Creativity". Encourages creative thinking through the connection of different disciplines (artistic and social). This PhD is not yet released, so I do not know his courses.

The second Phd that I found and liked is the Notre Dame de Namur University (California) called "Phd in Art therapy". I always believed that art therapy was a matter of psychology ... However, I was reading about it and it is an integrative discipline, because, according to the program, art therapy is a highly creative field that combines the use of psychology and the arts including, dance, visual arts, music and poetry to help all types of individuals manage various mental and physical challenges. 

Today I will not study a Phd. Tomorrow maybe. What I am sure is that this exercise of reviewing Phd at a national and international level helped me immensely to imagine my future professional practice ... and to be able to accept my desire to link art with social work.


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