Feminist(s) movement(s)

Last Wednesday I had a test from a course called "Teorías de género". Social work is the first career that it teachs about feminism in an obligatory course. In the test there are two questions... First question was the more interesting for me:

What is the subject in feminist movement?

That type of question is common in my career. If MASS shows to the people a stereotype of feminist (young-progressist-white woman defending reproductive rights and gender iguality), that profile is recent and it corresponds to a historical profile feminist woman. It exists social belief that assumes all feminist women thinks the same and the truth is there's not exist the only subject in the feminist movement, because today there are a lot of feminist movements  and in thepast centuries too. In all contexts, we have diverge with other women and of course, we have agreed. 

with all this I mean movements feminists are diverses how women thoughts are too and to assume this complexity allows us to understand and work about feminist challenges in education, health, work, economic distribution and recognition.

MASS media talks about "the feminists" as we were one group of women that wants the same about salary, domestic work, sexuality policies and care policies. That thought blurs  the weight of the different demands raised by women movements.

In the first wave of movement feminist, who demand about right to vote aren't all women of USA or UK, they are white-middle class women who wanted same rights as white-middle or high class men. Today, the right to housing for single mothers does not have the same social weight as the right to safe abortion, because some women have house and they aren't poor.

According Raquel Platero "It is a look that has to lead us to highlight the power and privilege relationships that exist. It forces us to question the naturalization of the existence of a hegemonic subject that demands society, which we often do not analyze."


  1. The course of gender theory was so challenging for me, but I love the way that Lelya teaches hehe


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