Pinterest should be known as the best social media

Hello to everyone!

Today I want to share with us my favorite social media: Pinterest. Pinterest is a web and mobile application designed to discover information on the WWW (world wide web). This social media is used to find easily images, gifs, links and articles about different things and it is known because it sistematizes artistic ideas and different handcrafts that appear in Internet. This is my favorite social media because I used to create handcrafts and Pinterest allows to me to know different ideas and creations of different people in the world. Pinterest is considerated a social media because we can talk through to it.

I'm currently check Pinterest when I get lost with my embroidery design. I usually embroider creations of mine but when I don't know how to continue, I check this social media. My sister and dad use Pinterest too: América use Pinterest to see clothing and my dad use Pinterest to imitate garden's decoration. SO, I think Pinterest is so nice! I love that social media because it shows me different types of creations.

Well, it's interesting to considerate that: 

81% of Pinterest users are actually Females. 40% of New Signups are Men; 60% New Signups are Women. Men account for only 7% of total pins on Pinterest.

That statistics talk to show us that, actually, Pinterest is a social media meant for women. This isn't mean Pinterest have contents sexist, but it's a fact men are not interested in this social media.


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