Special photo

Hello ! 

I want to share with you a special photo to me. This photo was taken by "SIMENON DELACALLE" (you can found him in facebook). Simenon is a chilean photographer, he is very known because he takes photos in street carnavals, his eye is very precise and his photographs are wonderful. They takes photos a street dancers, boys and girls, major adults and everyone who is living carnaval. Usually, their photos are simple and they show how street carnaval moves people's feelings and how  street carnavals break the rutine.

This photo was taken in June. The photo's place is Lo Hermida, and this day we celebrated CHAKANA (andean cross). Lo Hermida is a place where the street carnaval and social protests are very usual. From 80's, Lo hermida's community is organizated by women and neighbors meetings.

I really like this photo because have contrasts: a man with his children sitting on the sidewalk looking the street. Are you usually looking the street of your neighborhood? This is not usual, but it happens when we alter the reality. While the man and children looked, tinku dancers were coming with cheerfulness. The music band were coming too. Actually, that scene is common to me. 

Street carnaval lifetime.


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