Blog Session 1: Hello to everyone

Hello! I want to tell you about me. My name is Paz Valenzuela, I was born in Santiago, on 25th December in 1994. My family is really numerous (We're not Opus Dei jaja),but We're nine-member family, actually We're not living together. 

My parents are alive, My mom is called Laurentina and my dad is called Diógenes. They had four children: América (my big sister), Cristian (my only brother), Beatriz and me. So why nine-member family? Because I have two nephews (Martín and Rafael), two dogs (Luz and Poroto) and Loki, the cat.

About studies... I graduated to Universidad de Chile and I'm social sciences and humanities bachelor. My elementary and secondary studies I studied in a public school. I have enjoyed with my friends all that time, now we're still comunicated.

Actually, I study Social Work in Universidad de Chile. My hobbies are embroidery, andean dances (I actually dance in street carnaval) and travel.

Well, that's all for now.
See you soon.

Resultado de imagen para osada zanjón


  1. Hi Paz! Nice blog. I love the name of your cat.

  2. Hi Paz! I want to say that I love the names of your pets.

  3. Hello Paz, I’m new in this blog, its great know more about your hobbies.

  4. Wow!! are you sure you aren't Jesus Christ? (you were born December 25 hahaha)


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